I have one seed feeder in the cherry tree in the front which is dominated by flocks of sparrows. A blackbird lurks around the lower branches to catch anything which is dropped. I also scatter seed and berries collected in the autumn and kept in the freezer and when it is really cold I throw out some mealworms aswell. There is also a cheeky little robin who visits aswell and some bluetits and chaffinch.
The ash tree provides a roosting place for a collection of 'blackbirds', with the jackdaws at the lower levels and the larger crows and rooks higher up. The ivy covering the trunk provides roosting/nesting places for the sparrows and robin.
There was a time a couple of years ago when I thought that the sparrows had pushed the bluetits out of my garden, but they seem to have come to some agreement because the seed feeder and the peanut feeder on the collapsed arch in the back is dominated by bluetits who line up in the willow tree at the end of the garden and swoop across to take their turn, with the occaisional greattit, coaltit,chaffinch and starling.
There is also a thrush who visits my garden, although I rarely see him, only the empty snail shells by the stone he uses as an anvil.
Hello Blue, i am new here just saw your comment in Tatyana's. Those sprouts seem very healthy and big beautiful promises in a few weeks. Maybe even if you are not a gardener, i will love your garden because i also prefer a biodiversity garden, though i also appreciate the fully manicured one. I agree with you about the birds, they are delightful in the garden as long as they will not be destroying it. Your blog cover is very beautiful and enchanting. If you feel like visiting a tropical atmosphere please drop my my blog too. thank you and Happy New Year.