At last there is frogspawn. I thought the frogs had abandoned my garden this year. There isn't as much as usual but I haven't found much in the usual places while out walking the fields with Finn.
The daffodils along the fence are making a brave show, but others are not doing so well. I suppose I should be grateful for any at all considering the wet winter we have had this year, it's a wonder they haven't all rotted away.

The elephant's ears are still giving a good show to greet you as you come in the gate.
And I've tried for years to get a flowering current to grow in my garden. At last success!
As I come out of my front door I'm greeted by the scent of these hyacinths to let me know that spring is really here.
In the back garden these primroses are bravely showing their faces before they get swamped by the columbine which will dominate this bed later on.
And the clematis is coming into bud reminding me to hurry up and remake the archway which should be supporting it.
My poor, devastated garden is starting to fight back and will hopefully look like a garden again soon and not a war zone!
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