Anyway I thought the easiest way to catch up is to post photos of the last month. So here they are.....the stars of my garden in April.

This little double primrose is THE STAR of the winter, she was in flower continously from the time I bought her, all through the snow and is still going strong.

This little one has been almost as brave, but was not quite as good in the snow.

The pansies, although they are meant to be winter flowering got a bit wilted during the really cold weather, but are making up for it now!

The wallflower were late starting but have outlasted the daffodils.
What can I say about these old faithful, they come up every year.

The elephants ears have been struggling on gamely all through the winter, but look just as happy as I am that it seems to be over.

The daffodils gave a lovely show, but are all finished now.

These bright little euphorbia(?) brighten up a shady corner.

The frittillaries in the lawn are not as prolific as usual, all the mauve ones have disappeared.

The fisrt bluebells, all the others have caught up with them now but these were the first ones in flower.

This little beauty gives a beautiful perfume outside the front door.

Could someone please tell this little bee not to work quite so hard....... the title of the blog is Lazy Days in my garden.

Sadly these daffodils are all finished now. I'm waiting for the leaves to die back so that I can put my fuschia cuttings in their place. I've been hardening them off ready and you can just see them peeping around the pot.
Wonderfull flowers fotos and blog, pleasure to visit it.Best regard from Belgium, second blog also beautifull.