Monday, November 14, 2016
Sunday breakfast in the garden in November! Unbelievable, but I'm making the most of the mild weather although it was rather overcast yesterday morning that didn't matter as the sun is so low now it only hits the far hedge leaving the majority of the garden in shade. I've put a new fence up so Rogan can't get out now and he can be with me out there so I'm spending more time outside. I've cleared the end of the garden, breaking up the slum of a chicken run and shredding the pile of prunings dumped there. A trip to my favourite garden centre and I have a bright patch of cyclamen to cheer me up while enjoying my morning coffee,
And another patch of later flowering cyclamen to follow on when the first patch finishes.
Also a couple of pyracantha to provide berries for the birds.
The mahonia is coming into flower,so all in all I should have a nice bright patch to gaze on from my bedroom window even when the weather keeps me inside.
And I couldn't resist this colourful heron, he's keeping watch over the tadpoles in the old bath.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Had an unexpected visitor to the garden this morning, unfortunately he was gone before I could get the camera thanks to Rogan. . I looked out of the window and a heron was flying over. He must have circled back and landed because Rogan went out barking and I just got a glimpse of him flying off. He must have been after frogs as Ferrero and Roche are no more. Don't know if they eat slugs but he's welcome to as many of them as he likes.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
My friends and neighbours Andrea and buddy who lived just across the road have emigrated today Germany and have very kindly given me a number of pots, both empty and planted with lavender, rosemary and strawberries. Also an archway for the front gate complete with honeysuckle, a sundial (I've always wanted a sundial )and a waterfeature as well as a load of herbs.
The waterfeature has been working for a few weeks, but today I planted some heathers around it as it's on a rather draughty corner.
The sundial is next to my sitting place as it's the sunniest place in the garden, and yes we have had enough sun for me to set it.
Thank you Andrea, I'll think of you every time I sit out here.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Firstly let's get the sad news out of the way. The council made me get rid of the chickens as they're considered to be farm animals not pets so the garden is a sad place now which I haven't wanted to spend a lot of time in however life goes on and yesterday was a beautiful day so I sat out,had lunch outside and did a bit of tidying up. It hasn't stopped growing just because I haven't been out there!
Here's some of the little visitors to the garden who were keeping me company . The bees were very industrious buzzing from plant to plant gathering pollen.
A little sparrow on the telephone wire
Two frogs catching the sun,they sit so still and quietly usually you only know they're there when you hear the splash as they jump back in.
Daddy blackbird with baby
Just managed to get baby as they flew off.
And this little sparrow has an insect in its mouth, must have a nest nearby.
A quick look at what'shappening around the garden. The Rosa rugosa are in flower and keeping the bees busy,
honeysuckle is in bud. Wish I could capture the scent as I walk up the garden path and post it here.
Thought I'd lost this shy little Clematis.
My David Austin rose with the name I can never pronounce.
Another David Austin rose, Lady Emma Hamilton. Thought she'd died last year but I took her out of the ground and put her in a pot with a lot of manure and she's come back to life.
I cut some branches off my willow and found loads of these little green blobs underneath the leaves. Apparently they're the larvae of the Willow Sawfly, Pontania Pendunculi. ..Thanks for that Dorothy.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Here are some photos from the garden this morning. We had our first fall of snow today, at one point it looked as though it was going to be set in for the day,but once the shower passed the snow was gone within 30 minutes.
I love these daffodils.
The primroses are doing well this year.
Looks like spring.
Forget me not amongst the mint
Love the way the rain brings out the colour of my twisted hazel.
Sky looks absolutely full of snow.
Love this double daffodil, picked them up in an end of season sale yesterday for 40p a pot.
We had chicken wars on Wednesday and I had to split them up, so Mrs. Cluckalot and Chuck Chuck are still in Cluckalot Mansion hidden away at the end of the garden,
while poor Hetty, who is the only one laying is on her own in this borrowed slum in full view on the lawn. The others have been attacking her and she has a big bald patch on her back. She stopped laying for a couple of days but gave me a lovely blue egg for my breakfast this morning.
And lastly I took this a few days ago. The frogspawn has hatched and there are millions of tadpoles swimming about.
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