Imanaged to get out and do a bit of tidying up in the front garden last week. I noticed that the helebores were starting to come into flower so I did some weeding around them and then put a mulch of compost around them to keep them warm. Then I started to think that the bed was looking a bit bare, all the yellow ones that I divided last year survived but I only have one surviving purple one so a phone call to my favourite garden centre revealed that they had a few cream ones and a few pink ones. Today was a wet,windy, miserable day and so sitting in my kitchen it seemed a good idea to grab a lift from a friend and go shopping. By the time we got to the garden centre it was absolutely pouring down and it didn't seem such a great idea!
However, instead of spending an enjoyable morning browsing through the plants we asked an assistant where they were and made a quick dash to the appointed spot and grabbed the tall one at the back and the small one at the front of the picture.
On the way I grabbed this cheerful little witch hazel which I thought would brighten the place up a bit in the dark winter months.
Other things cheering me up are this fuchsia,
These primulas which I boughta few days ago
Brother Cadfael is still flowering!
I put these primulas round a Holly bush which had layered itself and I put in this pot until I decidewhere it should go permanently.
And this bush is absolutely covered in blossom.
So all told perhaps the front garden isn't such a miserable, damp place.
The back garden however is an entirely different story. .....